It's super simple to integrate Gestya into your web service, to increase trust, security and engagement.

First, you need to sign-up as a business customer here.


If you don't already, please ensure you add this (or a similar version) of jquery:

<script src=""></script>

Your web service will need a facility for people to add their Gestya handle, which is a alphanumeric string of no more than 20 characters. Users can find out more about Gestya at and we suggest linking to this page so they can learn more and get their handle. Handles are unique, so only allow one user per handle.

Showing Gestya's

CSS & Javascript

Include the following css and javascript links in the head section of the pages you want to show Gestya's:

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="">

<script src=""></script>


For each user who has supplied you with a Gestya handle, add this html when you want to show their clip:

<div class="gestya" data-handle="USER-HANDLE" data-key="YOUR-API-KEY"></div>


You can also control the genre of Gestya's for your customers by adding the following attribute to the div: genre="general", where the options are general, dating or business


Have a look at this minimal example page that demonstrates how to create a Gestya.